PCA made easy in R

Masumbuko Semba
In the previous post I illustrated a simple way to do Principal Component Analysis in R. I simply used the output results from prcomp() function of R base. But, I constantly find hard to the untidy output that prcomp generates and wished to get a tidy result. In this post I will illustrate the approaches that I was inspired by Claus Wilke in the post PCA tidyverse style.

Simplified Principal Component Analysis in R

Masumbuko Semba
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is widely used to explore data. This technique allows you visualize and understand how variables in the dataset varies. Therefore, PCA is particularly helpful where the dataset contain many variables.This is a method of unsupervised learning that allows you to better understand the variability in the data set and how different variables are related. The Components in PCA are the underlying structure in the data.